Dr. K’s
7 Elements
of a Confident Smile

Your teeth are part of your smile, and your smile is part of your face. Creating your best smile means taking into account your unique facial features during orthodontic treatment. Please explore the seven elements of Dr. K’s smile philosophy to find out more.

Dr. K’s 7 Elements of a Confident Smile

Your teeth are part of your smile, and your smile is part of your face. Creating your best smile means taking into account your unique facial features during orthodontic treatment. Please explore the seven elements of Dr. K’s smile philosophy to find out more.

1. Straight Teeth

Teeth are naturally shaped to support easy cleaning. Misaligned and crowded teeth create hard to clean areas that might compromise oral health. We ensure that your teeth are properly aligned with each other and with the jaws.

2. Wide Dental Arch

Our modern diet and lifestyle lead to more and more people having narrow or v-shaped arches, resulting in improper tong posture and so called “dark corridors” that reduce the attractiveness of the smile. We ensure the width of your dental arches allow the muscles of the tongue and cheeks to regain balance and fits the proportions of your face, creating a broad and beautiful smile.

3. Balanced Profile

While we do not often look at ourselves in profile, it is a part of our overall appearance. We strive to create balance between your upper and lower jaws and their relationship to the rest of your face. We are often able to provide an alternative to jaw surgery and other complex treatments.

4. Beautiful Smile Line

Beauty is surely in the eye of the beholder. However, there are some universal esthetic principles. One of the definite attributes of an attractive smile is a smile line that follows the contour of the bottom lip. We ensure that your top teeth are positioned to create that attractive smile that gets noticed.

5. Functional Bite

When upper and lower teeth do not fit together properly, some unfavorable consequences may ensue, such as uneven tooth wear, periodontal compromise and inability to chew food properly. We ensure your final tooth position supports the most optimal bite, giving you proper sustainable function.

6. Healthy Root Position

There is such a thing as “proper root position” for each tooth in our mouth. It is unique to each individual, depending on the relationship of their jaws and their musculature. We strive to achieve such position by the end of treatment, resulting in healthy long-term function and stability.

7. Optimal Lip Support

As we age, our nose and chin continue to grow, while the lips lose their tonicity, giving us a more “dished in” appearance over time. We ensure adequate lip support by properly positioning and angling your front teeth, resulting in a more youthful appearance for years to come.